ON-Running Rock
Installation at ON Running NYC Flagship Store.
Back to the source: 46.41600, 9.67379 From the spiritual home of On in the Swiss Alps to the streets of New York City. The bio-based and recyclable 3D-printed boulder is an exact replica of one found in the Engadin valley, where the idea of On was born. This 10’ installation weighs in at 222kg and took nearly 33 hours to print.

Thinking Big
3D Printed Brain
This larger-than-life 3D printed brain was printed by a high school student researcher using high-fidelity MRI scans of a real human brain.
Measuring 560mm x 670mm x 370mm tall, it is ASTRA’s most geometrically complex print to date. Our Ropedancer software interpolated 48,855 vertices to generate over 186,000 lines of Rapid code.
3D Printed Bridge
Flowing lines converge to form a stepped arch. The structurally efficient design spans 16 feet and is only 3/4” thick. Printed in 7.5 hours. To be installed at Rainbow Golf Club.

Wind Turbine Blade
The manufacturing of a 4-foot 10-inch tall 3D printed ind turbine blade involved a 4mm extrusion width and 1.5mm layer height, with both a heated bed and part cooling. What made this blade unique was its material: a combination of basalt fiber which contributed to the blade's strength and minimized shrinkage, and recycled polycarbonate—aligning with our commitment to sustainability.
The challenge of printing this tapering shape was the cooling, especially in the upper third of the structure, where the layer times were shorter. Our part cooling fans surrounding the extruder nozzle allowed the precise formation of the blade. The blade was post-processed with clear epoxy coating that provided a smooth, aerodynamic finish that enhanced the blade's performance while also maintaining the visual aesthetic of the 3D printed layer lines.
Wind Turbine
Material: Polycarbonate + Basalt Fiber
Print time: 3.5 hours
Material Weight: 3.3 lbs

Chair with Moon lamp and Gourd
3D Printed on a SpaceFactory Starforge T200. This work of two New York based artists is an exquisite pairing of modern technology with antique craftsmanship, highlighting the duality of 3D printing as both art and manufacturing.
3D Printed Chair
Material: ABS
Print Time: 10 hours
Material Weight: 18.6 lbs
Moon Lamp
Material: PLA
Print Time: 1 hour 3 min
Material Weight: 4.8 lbs
Material: PLA
Print Time: 50 min
Material Weight: 3.1 lbs